Enfield and Barnet

Windsor Castle

The Walks, off Church Lane, London
East Finchley
N2 8DL
Emailmoc.liamg@ffatseltsacrosdniw Telephone(020) 3649 7513
Real AleFamily FriendlyGardenDisabled AccessDog FriendlyWiFiLive Music
Opening times: Mon closed; Tue–Fri 16:00-23:00; Sat 12:00-23:00; Sun 12:00-22:00
Regular beers: McMullen AK Original Mild

See more about this pub on CAMRA's national web site

Once a bakehouse and two cottages, became a brewhouse around 1800. Pleasant, well kept, one bar, hidden away in back street. Patio garden to the left rear. Quiz night is the second Tuesday of the month, Folk Session is the last Wednesday of the month.

The pub had a total refit in November 2022, The new trendy looking interior has been typically painted over in green and blue; it now has more seating and a new kitchen. Food now available from Wednesday onwards. Pub is card only.

Rivertown Brewery seasonal beers may be rotated. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/windsor_castle_n2/